Ch Firebird's The Standard Image
Date of Birth - April 29, 2002
(Ch Kamada's Fire 'N Ice at Dengayle x Ch Kamada's Firebird, SC, FCh)
Co-Breeder/Co-Owner: Debbie Davenport
Earl was our keeper from the first Whippet litter we bred. As a puppy, Kevin didn't think that Earl was bonding with him so he took him on the road with him to coursing trials while we were campaigning our Saluki, Doozer. The result was now Earl is bonded so tightly with Kevin that unless Kevin stays with him, he won't eat! Debbie showed Earl to both of his majors and we are very grateful! Earl gets bored lure coursing and would rather we ran with him! He is so sweet and has such a passion for life. Earl made a lot of friends at the dog show and got so excited to see everyone!
* Earl placed 3rd in 7-10 Veteran Sweeps at the 2011 AWC National Specialty!